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Check-in details for


Hi, you are now all checked in online!

You would have now received all information regarding the property, including full address and directions. This would have been sent in a separate email.

As you come onto the driveway the apartment 24a is next to no 24 and down a little path to the left. You’ll see a big white wooden garden gate in front. The front door is on the right hand side. The key code to access the lock box is 9699
The lock box is located on the wall right outside the front door.

Check in is from 5pm today and check out is anytime up to 10am.

There is free parking for one vehicle on the driveway on the left hand side and free on street parking from 6pm - 8am Mon - Sat. Free all day Sundays.

I hope you have a great stay!

Kind Regards,
Jesswood Properties

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